If you're like me, and I know I am...

Friday, December 22, 2006

What is wrong with Maryland?

from KUTV.com:

Maryland 5-Year-Old Accused Of Pinching Buttocks

HAGERSTOWN, Md. A father in Maryland says his 5-year-old son knows nothing about sex, but the boy was written up for sexually harassing a kindergarten classmate.
Washington County school officials told Charles
Vallance that his son pinched a girl's buttocks earlier this month in a hallway at Lincolnshire Elementary School. The school says that meets the state's definition of sexual harassment. Vallance says his son was only playing around and had no sexual intent.
School officials say the incident will remain in the boys file until he goes to middle school.
Citing state data, the (
Hagerstown) Herald-Mail reports that 28 kindergarten students in Maryland were suspended for sex offenses in the last school year - 15 of those suspensions for sexual harassment.

from me:

what the hell is wrong with people? If a 5-year-old is
pinching butts, maybe he saw an adult do it and picked
up a bad habit. You sit him down and explain that he
shouldn't do that, give him a little guilt trip and send
him on his way with the normal amount of trauma
that comes from growing up in a sexually repressed
nation like ours.

No, we have to prosecute everyone to the fullest
extent of the law and that means let's label this kid a
pervert so that when he goes to middle school, he will
be known as the Kindergarten Rapist.

I take this kind of stuff personally because I was once
accused of a sex crime in grade school. One day, a few
of us boys (including two future homosexuals) and a
couple girls got it into our heads that a great twist on
tag would be to add bra snapping to it. Now, this wasn't
my idea, frankly, I believe that one of the girls did it
first then the boys jumped in.

As it happens, I was the only one busted for it. I refused
to name names and took the hit solo. I hate rats. But I
get this bad reputation from these overly sensitive adults
who like to project their own sexually dysfunctional values
onto children. I can tell you with all honesty that boobies
were the last thing on our minds. I don't think I even
noticed that the girls had bras before this.

Afterwards, if I so much as even thought about coming into
contact with the girls, it was like a federal case. And this
was back in 79 when mostly anything went. I can only
imagine how bad things have gotten since.

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