If you're like me, and I know I am...

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Crimbo Limbo

Christmas time is here (cue the music), but you'd hardly know it
looking around my gaff. First off, I don't have one decoration let
alone a tree. I bought some "Santa Claus is Coming to Town"
ornaments a few years back, but I haven't dug them out since
the first year. I just don't feel like Christmas, man. It's nearly
60 out most days. I haven't worn a coat once this year. I haven't
bought any presents. I haven't seen any snow. But more significant
than all of that is that I just don't have the vibe. I've got eight days
left to get into the spirit and at this point, I'd have to start main-lining
Christmas specials to feel anything by the big day.
Suffice it to say I'm loathing the very idea of shopping at this point.
It's not the spending I mind or even the effort so much. I like to buy
people things they would like. That makes me happy-ish. I just hate
the throngs of people running about like a bunch of God damned
animals with credit cards. Luckily for me, the crowds aren't quite as
bad at bookstores because there is still this kind of library aura
around even the corporate stores which makes people shut the hell
up and slow down a little. Not the kids of course, but then bookstores
mostly don't interest the same kids who find mall crawling around
Target of interest.
I'm really kicking myself for missing the online buying express this
year. If I'd just sat down in front of Amazon this year as in year's
past, I would have had everything mailed out to me a week ago.
Now I'm screwed.
I like to actually put some thought into a present. Nothing more
disappointing than getting a present that it looks like someone
just picked it off the shelf at WalMart just so they could cross
you off the list and get you out of the way so they could get to
shopping for someone they actually give a shit about. This year,
I might just give everyone a delicious and pricey bottle of
Romulo olive oil infused with garlic. Dude, it's so good, you'd freak.
You just pour some out into a dish and sop it up with bread and
you just can't stop eating the stuff. It's liquid gold. Maybe not
a huge bundle of cash outlay, but at least I know they like it.
Maybe I should just buy everyone some meat. I know they like
meat. I wonder how much a half of beef is? Then everyone could
just go pick up a roast or some t-bones whenever they feel like it
and think fondly every time they cut into one, "What a nice gift."

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