If you're like me, and I know I am...

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Isn't that nice?

I gotta mean hard-on for a certain kind of person
in this world. Nicey-niceys. People whose experiences
in life as well as their personalities are so mellow and
sweet that they view niceness as a meaningful character
trait, a virtue, something of substance to which good
and decent people should aspire.

I hate their guts.

I admire self-sacrifice and decency. I think everyone
should strive to be good. But no one of any intelligence
should ever confuse niceness with any of this. Nice, as a
term, is practically meaningless. Be nice, act nice, Oh, he's
nice! What does any of it mean? Does nice mean that someone
is good or just meek? It's so non-descript. The only thing I can
really say for certain about the use of the term nice is that
it seems to be a good word to use when you don't know what
the hell else to say. Play nice means don't beat the shit out
of each other but keep quiet. Children could play nice until
you found one of them turning blue in a dry cleaning bag.
People who are nice usually are also quite stupid, vacuous,
uncommitted and not worth talking to. It is entirely possible to
be a very nice person who just doesn't happen to see all the
evil in the world. I bet there were a lot of very nice people living
in the shadow of Dachau and Belsen, Auschwitz and Buchenwald.
"Oh I'm sure their just having a big barbecue, those German boys
do love a good cookout." After all, only a bad person assumes
the worst.

Nice people have always been my bane. It was always very nice
people who stood by and watched while I was abused or on the run.
I had a very nice teacher who kept me locked up in newspaper
class working on a story because she knew I was skipping school
in order to find a place to stay because I had run away from home.
Some very nice people didn't seem to notice, though they were a
few feet away, that my fifth grade gym teacher was abusing the shit
out of the kids in my school. They were probably torn though since
he was black, they wouldn't want to be called racists after all by stopping
child abuse.

Nice people can go fuck themselves.

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