If you're like me, and I know I am...

Sunday, November 06, 2005


I previously reported that one of the dildos I work
with left early one night because "his chemo was
making him sick." I said I felt a little bad for thinking
him a dildo. Well, it has come to light he was lying
about taking chemo. It stands to reason, really. He
would have to be the fattest, hairiest cancer patient
in the history of fat, hairy cancer patients. He is, in
fact, one of those soul sucking vampire bitches I've
mentioned in other posts. A two-balled bitch as my
old friend Randy Noreen would have called him. He
is a gamer and an attention seeker who will talk any
amount of shit just to be talking. Other lies he's told
include having a daughter at Harvard, being in the
same Odin-worshipping clan as some skinhead who
used to work here, having a girlfriend and that his
dad was killed in "the war" ... and that just to win
an argument about how powerful satellites are. I.E.
"Oh yeah, well if the government has satellites that
powerful then why did my dad have to die in the

People like this could make any right- to- lifer favor
abortion on demand and euthanasia by popular vote.

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