If you're like me, and I know I am...

Sunday, November 06, 2005

Bigmouth Strikes Again

The older I get, the less willing I am to tolerate
the rudeness and thoughtlessness of those younger
than me. Even a 27-year-old who talks twice as
loud and twice as fast as his words require gets
under my skin faster than an earwhig on meth.

"Fuck, dude, you know what I'm sayin'? It was like
'shiiit,' right, dude? Fuck."


People talk too much any way. No one has anything
worth saying and the more they talk and spew their
pitiful little minds out into the atmosphere where I'm
just trying to sit in a bit of silence, the more I want to
just shut their God damn mouths permanently. I try
not to say anything, but it's funny that if I accidentallly
drop my pop on my desk while some endlessly drawn
out blabfest is going on, I get, "I'm not bothering you,
am I GREG?" No, not at all, but funny that you think
you might have.

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