If you're like me, and I know I am...

Thursday, July 28, 2005

And talk about the weather pt. 2

So my dad did get his hearing aid today as planned.
I had agreed to meet him at my sister's house three
blocks from mine at 11 a.m. So, of course, he shows
up at my house at 10:20 a.m. and honks his horn
like I'm supposed to bound out of the house immediately
in glee to be going on a fun adventure. Fuck that shit. I called
down to his cell phone and told him to go back to
my sister's house and wait 'til 11.

"I don't want to be late."
"We've got and hour and 10 minutes!"

Fuck, it's like no matter what the fuck I do, he's got
to create a situation where I'm wrong. I wasn't late.
Yes I was fucking asleep, I didn't go to bed until 3.
My god damn alarm was set to go off in 10 minutes so
I could get up, shower, use the toilet and get to my sister's
house by 11 so we could make the five minute drive to the
mall so he could get his god damned hearing aid at 11:30
so he can have something else to bitch about for the next
10 years.

We show up at the hearing aid place 45 minutes before his
appointment. The hearing aid people got 15 minutes to kill
before their first appointment which isn't my dad, but of
course my dad thinks if he gets there early enough, they'll
squeeze him in so he can do ... what? Nothing. He's fucking
retired, has nothing to do, but he figures he can get "something
done" if he gets this over with early enough. Well, shit, why not get
something done before you roll up to my house and honk like a
god damned hayseed. I live in the "big" city. We don't go for that pulling up
and honking the horn shit because when you honk your horn,
hundreds of people from hundreds of houses look to see what
asshole is outside honking his fucking horn.

Best part is, he still had to wait 10 minutes after his appointment
time to get in so I guess that's one for my side whatever my fucking
side is.

Then when he does get his hearing aid put in, he has the fucking
balls to say "huh?" and "what?" to me about three times because
he isn't just deaf, he's been zoning me out since I was like 10 or 11.
I'm sick of daddy issues ... I'm sick of being fucking ignored ... I'm
sick of being accused of mumbling, not talking loud enough and
shouting. Because there's a difference between talking loud enough
and shouting, you know, you can speak up without shouting.
You try explaining yourself rationally at 23 dB.

Then my dad decides to just fuck off and go "get some things done."
My nephew and I actually wanted to hang out and maybe, I don't know,
chat. But all through lunch, my dad hasn't got one god damned thing to
say. It's a fucking joke. Maybe if he'd gotten the fucking hearing aid 20
or 30 years ago when he first needed it, there would actually be something
to say besides "no I don't want any of your fucking hot peppers" and "can I
borrow some money?" You think it doesn't feel like shit to only talk to
your own father when you need something bad enough to put up
with all the fucking bullshit talking to him entails?

I am completely unsatisfied. That fucker owes me something for years of
emotional abuse and ignoring me.

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