If you're like me, and I know I am...

Tuesday, June 14, 2005

Jacko gets off, promises no more sleeping with boys

Well, apparently Michael Jackson isn't guilty of the charges he was facing. Good for him, but we all know he's guilty of something. Even if he never so much as jerked a kid off, he was cavorting in an unseemly fashion with minors. I mean, avoid the appearance of wrong-doing, will ya?

Apparently, that's the next step. Michael's lawyers have said he won't be sleeping in the same beds with boys any more. Well gosh, that's a great first step, ain't it?

In this day and age, I don't like to be left alone with ANYBODY. It's not that I am a molester, it's just because people are crazy as fuck and who knows who will make some shit up about you later on. I've met women who have lied about being raped. I worked with TWO of them. One was even the subject of a criminal investigation after she claimed four black men abducted her in broad daylight from the middle of the Iowa State campus. I've met plenty of other people who operate in a similar vein though perhaps not to the same extreme. Women are always making up shit about other people, especially other women, which is why a lot of women don't even like to work with other women.

When I went to a Iowa Press Women's Ass. meeting, one woman said she wished she worked in an office full of men and many of the women present agreed. I figured why the hell should I put up with it then?

Still, I think that if the jury found Michael not guilty, then at the very least, his accusers just didn't have enough on him, but he might well not have done anything. But man, you should be smarter than to put yourself in a situation where people have very good reason to talk.

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