If you're like me, and I know I am...

Wednesday, June 08, 2005

I [heart] Jason Taylor

Did I ever tell you about the man they called Jason Taylor?
He was a funny fuck. Founding member of Grandma Mojo's at
Iowa State, playwright, master of comedy. Now he's skulking
around the Internet leaving anonymous messages of praise
on this site. Some say Jason Taylor doesn't really have a
physical form any more. Some say he evolved beyond this
earthly realm like Lawnmower Man or some shit. Me? I'd
put even money that he's wandering the United States
like Shazam or the Hulk, getting into trouble, solving
people's troubles and then fucking off like a real
unsung hero. Wherefore art thou Jason? Don't leave
us hangin', baby! Send the word and I will publish
it right here.

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