If you're like me, and I know I am...

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nebraska vs. Brown vs. The Board of Education

Last week, the Nebraska Legislature voted to split up the Omaha School District into three separate school districts: North Omaha, South Omaha and West Omaha. This is not much of a surprise in and of itself but anyone from round these parts knows North Omaha is largely black, South Omaha is largelly hispanic and West Omaha is a whiter shade of pale. The move to split the school districts comes in response to the City of Omaha's attempts to expand ever westward into new territories. Most recently, Omaha tried to annex Elkhorn and the Millard School District against the will of the residents of those areas. Hitler had more compassion going after the Sudetenland. It was brutal.

This city is so insecure about being a third rate city that it is trying to grow at ridiculous rate. When I was a kid, Boystown was out in the country around 132nd and Dogdge. Today, Dodge goes out to 300 and something. Boystown is practically a strip mall.

On the other side, you've got the state of Nebraska which really is jut one huge collection of hicks at odds with Omaha and it's struggle for urbanity. This bit of segregationist legislation is a direct response that will make Omaha and the state of Nebraska a laughing stock for weeks and months to come. The Colbert Report has already satirically congratulated the state for having the guts to take on Brown vs. the Board of Education.

I for one couldn't be happier. Any time these hayseeds prove what a backward ass bunch of crackers they are by poo-pooing gambling, attacking Iowa for being smarter, richer and cooler, or by extolling the virtues of separate but equal 50 years after the Supreme Court established it as unconstitutional, I'm thrilled. I really am.

Nebraska is the Red State that even Red Staters can be ashamed of because their gungho shitstomperism isn't even smart conservatism. It's just xenophobic future shock masquerading as "the people's best interest."

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