If you're like me, and I know I am...

Wednesday, February 15, 2006

How "1984" really applies to our lives

I've said it for years that the most insidious way in which
George Orwell's "1984" applies to our daily lives isn't in
the violations of our privacy through technology. That's
old school. No, it's through the use of social engineering
that our government fucks with us. Creating an enemy
in order to keep Americans from thinking too much about
how they SHOULD be trying to improve their own lives,
monitoring their own government and working on
eliminating social ills at home.

"On Fear, Lizard Brains, and 1984" by Arianna
Huffington reflects my sentiments on this issue. So not
only is she hot, she's smart, too. Hard to believe I used
to think she was a nauseating conservative. She is a
mystery to me in some ways, but for now I'm content
to take her at her word.

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