If you're like me, and I know I am...

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

And speaking of multi-talented ...

I'll be the first one to step up and
say that Halle Berry is a fine looking
woman. I'll even go so far as to say
she isn't the worst actress I've ever
seen. She's no Meryl Streep, but she
does crying, scared and having sex
about as well as any other "starlet"
I've seen. Her best actress Oscar was
a gift, but then so are all the other
Oscars out there. They tend to go to
the actor who hasn't gotten it in years
past more often than they seem to go
to the actor who most deserves it year
after year. I saw "Monster's Ball" and
it was a pretty good movie. But she
wasn't best actress good.

Now what's really funny is to listen
to amateur Oscars experts go on as
though some crime had been committed.
"She only got it because she's hot."
Big surprise if she did, but the truth
is that a lot of people LIKE Halle
Berry and wanted to give it to her.
And that is how the Oscars are given
out. It's a popularity contest among
actors. If you thought the elections
in your high school were all about
popularity, what do you think it would
have been like if everyone in your high
school had been an actor? It would have
been like the Academy Awards.

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