If you're like me, and I know I am...

Monday, February 21, 2005

Anderson Cooper 180

"I don't think I want to live to 100, do you?"

Pretty boy journalist Anderson Cooper said this
tonight on "Anderson Cooper 360" and all I could
think of was "what a tool." Wait, that's not true,
I also thought "immortality has been the dream of
humanity for ages ... dick!"

Anderson Cooper is distinguished in my mind as a
talking head I don't totally hate. I do hate a lot
of them and I don't hide that fact. They get far
too much credit for too little work and looking
too damn good. You can't trust pretty people.
Oh sure, average pretty is OK, but TV pretty? No
thanks. People like that are in it with the MAN.
They are the status quo. They look down upon we
common folk as homonculi ... homonculuses, whatever.

In addition to having a cool theme song, Cooper's
take on the issues is usually pretty dead on. But
only a hipster douchebag would say at 40-something
that living to 100 just seems like too long to live.

Now, my man Dick Walter here in CB is over 80. When
he tells me he's lived too long, I buy it. He's done
it all successfully, lived a good life and is an
ornery old bastard. He's old school and bitches a lot
about how things have declined and how they were better
in the old days and how people today don't know what's
good in life because they don't have his taste. If he
thinks it's time to go, fine.

I've never been very happy and might not ever be.
Mortal ideation is not beyond me, but I'd still
like to live as long and as well as possible. If I were
rich, on TV and could get any tail I wanted, I'd want
to live to 200.

Listening to Cooper talk about Hunter S. Thompson's
suicide and career in journalism tonight was also a drag.
It was like listening to Keanu Reeves talk about Marlon
Brando's mumbling as the key to his success. It was like
listening to Ron Popeil go on about Thomas Edison

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