If you're like me, and I know I am...

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Star Trek ... the Special Edititon?

Taking a page from Lucas and Spielberg's playbook on
CBS are re-mastering the effects in the original 79
episodes of "Star Trek." Gone is the model Enterprise,
a character in its own right, the matte painted backgrounds
and the 2-dimensional starscapes. The "cheesy" special
effects are being tweaked to give the show new life. It should
be airing on TVLand in November.

Not to put too fine a point on it, I don 't like it. Not one bit.

The effects might seems cheesy to those of us raised on
CGI, but for late 60s TV stagecraft they are excellent. And
that's not even the point. "Star Trek" rocks not because of the
effects but because the stories are so good. Each episode is
a like a classic play. They are classic theater pieces in which
the interaction between the characters is the focal point. It doesn't
matter that Frank Gorshin's half black/half white makeup job in
"Let This Be Your Last Battlefield" was just grease paint. The story
was still a biting condemnation of racism's insane destructiveness
and could not have been improved upon with 10 hours of latex
work and hundreds of gigs worth of computer aided graphics.

Would "The Balance of Terror" have kicked any more ass if the Romulan
ship interior HAD looked more like a warship bridge than a bunch
of guys standing around gray cube-shaped console with blinking
lights on it? Hell no, I say. Hell. No.

I've seen similar attempts to upgrade a classic sci fi show with "better"
effects. They did it to "Red Dwarf." You can only see the cgi versions
of the first two seasons these days. And you know what? It still looks
cheesy. Now the special effects just look like animated cheese. Thank
the Lord above I have copies of the original show to watch. Likewise, I
will always return to the un-futzed with episodes of "Star Trek" because
they will always be the best way to watch that show.

With that said, I'll check it out and if it makes me truly puke like no
man has puked before. Then I can poo poo it with authority.

Leave well enough alone dammit!

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