If you're like me, and I know I am...

Saturday, September 16, 2006

The New Fall Line-up

In the last few years, I've noticed I don't give a damn about
some things that used to at least pique my curiosity. The
new shows that populate the networks every Fall, for example,
NEVER sound interesting to me even though they might have
in the past. NBC's doing a show called "Heroes" about regular
people with superhero-like abilities. Should make me think
about getting just a little excited about the prospect of it
being to my liking. No chance though. Maybe I've been burnt
too many times or maybe as you age you lose some chemical
that responds to that kind of stimuli. It's also possible
that I've gotten used to some really high quality entertainment
on British television and American cable. Why watch 43 minutes
of pap punctuated by 17 minutes of commercial interruptions when
I can download three seasons of "Shameless" from UKNova?
Give me six episodes of "Snuffbox" from BBC3 any day over
"Who the fuck cares who loves Raymond?" any way? Franky,
I've found it pretty hard to get into ANY sitcoms since "Seinfeld"
went off the air. Nothing comes close in the U.S. besides
"The Simpsons" but then that's not a sitcom, it's an animated

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