If you're like me, and I know I am...

Sunday, January 21, 2007

'Go to hell, gringos!' says Chavez

Hugo Chavez, commie nutjob or democratically elected leader of Venezueala

It's the bad ass who makes the girls' hearts beat faster.

I know ... I'm supposed to hate Hugo Chavez because he's
a socialist, which in America means he's basically a communist.
But in America we also toss liberals, democrats, hippies, anarchists
and real Christians into that pile as well. So forgive me if the
popular dilution of the term Communist has desensitized me
to the fearful power the word is supposed to conjure.

But these days, I sort of have to respect anyone who will
tell the United States to fuck off. Hugo Chavez may be a
nut, but he's a duly elected nut. And I'm not so sure that he's
entirely a nut, he's just portrayed that way in the media because
he's anti-American. But then again, I don't even think he's
anti-American per se, he's anti-Bush. Well so am I.

It says a lot about America that even people who "hate us"
hate our government more than they hate ALL of us. When
people hate on the French, it's the French people that they hate
not just Jaques Chirac

1 comment:

Christian said...

He is in my top 5 of living people I would like to meet. No doubt.