If you're like me, and I know I am...

Saturday, March 18, 2006

Big Geek Weekend

It's another weekend with the boys playing Journey Beyond. We're in about the 27th year of this game without frontiers and no sign of stopping any time soon. I don't really play any more. I figure if I want some control freak to determine MY fate, I can just go to work.

We've got about eight guys parked in a house the size of a shady motel room waiting their turn to roll some dice and have their fotunes told by Steve Thomas, the ostensible creator of the game, who calls the shots. I know what you're thinking and it IS a bit geeky. I've seen much worse though. This isn't your typical Magic: The Gathering, D&D or Halo crowd. Most of these guys have regular jobs and wives. They might like a nice comic now and again or the occasional sci fi flick, but they aren't 24/7 with their heads up their asses waiting for the next Renaissance Festival to come round.

It is usually a pretty intense weekend though. These guys will typically spend about 12 hours straight on this game with a few moments here and there for a pop, a piss or a barbecue.

Outsiders might find it immature, but I figure if there are grown men who can play golf with a straight face (and don't give me the usual line about how much money Tiger Woods makes playing golf because that doesn't justify shit) then why the hell can't we hang out once or twice a year, exercise our vast imaginations and drink 1,152 of pop (diet now per my suggestion).

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