If you're like me, and I know I am...

Saturday, December 17, 2005

PC my ass

People (read: right-wing idiots) overuse the term politically correct. They've been doing it since the mid-90s to label anything remotely liberal as a kind of groupthink not worthy of debate. But the literal meaning of politically correct is really terminology agreed upon by the largest number of people.

Some guy just told me he thought Star Trek got a little too PC. That's BS. Star Trek out and out preaches. It is a morality play that tells us what we right and wrong are and how we should all strive to be. If Star Trek really were PC, Kirk and Uhura would never have kissed, that's for damn sure. The Enterprise would have been segregated. There would have been a Vulcans only drinking fountain. Starfleet would have helped all the blonde aliens detroy all the brunette aliens.

It's '06, I think it's time to stop accusing things of being PC.

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