If you're like me, and I know I am...

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

Florence Nightengreg

I failed to mention recently that I saved the life of a co-worker. It's funny really since that's the kind of thing that even the most humble of men would brag about. I am not a humble man as such, but this incident happened quickly. I reacted quickly and, I can honestly say, a minimum of ego involvement. I wouldn't have thought it possible either.

I came into work and Terry, a fellow diabetic, looked like he was having a bad day. His brow was furrowed and when I said hey he shook his head. Someone else noticed that he wasn't responding and that he was out of it. I then realized he was having a low blood sugar event i.e. his blood sugar was so low that he couldn't speak or move. He was dazed and unaware of his surroundings.

I got him a pop and fed it to him for nearly 30 minutes while feeding him my glucose tablets until he began to slowly come around. I could tell it was working because he kept thanking me and saying "I appreciate it." He was pretty helpless and I played nursemaid without thinking of how it looked or what it meant for me. I didn't do it for credit or kudos, I did it because it was necessary. Terry is a real sweetheart who is prone to these episodes which are almost like seizures. It's not likely that anyone else would have even known what to do. I was glad I was there so he didn't die or suffer the humiliation of having the boss call 911 prematurely.

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