If you're like me, and I know I am...

Saturday, October 09, 2004

It's the little things

I've been fucking busy lately with this cab driving job. I dont like to bitch about the details of it though, that would make it too much like it's what I do and plan to do for a while, so I try not to. suffice it to say, people are cheap fucks especially old people who would fuck you for a nickel. Oh and French Canadians can suck my balls too. This fucker wanted me to get him from 114 and dodge to eppley in 20 minutes. I did it by driving 90 all the way. Tip? $3. Three fucking dollars, man. I'd a liked to kill that bastard. I risk all doing 30 mph over the limit and he gives me three dollars.
And it never fails that the one who has you carry all their shit bitches that 7.15 is too high even with their senior discount which comes right out of my pocket, no one elses.
Then you got these fucks who call you down the shittiest part of town to a place you can't find them and when you have killed 45 minutes looking for them, you find out they already left thus fucking you out of a 20 dollar fare.
And if one more welfare mom lets her kid eat messy shit on my seats, I'm gonna run her bitch ass over. Fucking graham crackers and cheese doodles.

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