If you're like me, and I know I am...

Friday, August 11, 2006

Litte Ditty, 'bout Og and Ogella

I don't respect anyone who talks constantly without really
saying anything but I am particularly annoyed by the ceaseless
prattling of women whose jaws are like sharks. They seem to
think if they stop moving they will die. For Christ's sake, what
do they think is going to happen if they go for 30 seconds without
saying something inane and pointless. And if they aren't talking
they're popping their fucking gum, clicking their nails on a desktop
or inventing some other way of getting attention because GOD
FORBID anybody ignore their pointless bullshit.

It must be some fucked up evolutionary side effect. I imagine
that back in the caveman days, it was somehow beneficial for
women to make sure Og noticed them. That way, he'd fuck them,
knock them up and feel obligated to take care of them. At least
until he clubbed himself to death one night because Ogella wouldn't
stop going on about how her sister's boyfriend brought her this
deer skull was totally awesome and how she wished she had one.
Of course, by then it didn't matter because she would have been
entrenched in the family and could just as easily present to Og's
younger brother Ug who had been eying her since before he went
on his first hunt.


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