If you're like me, and I know I am...

Tuesday, June 01, 2004

Tired of Sucking Veteran Ass

My entire life seems to have been dedicated to the kind of primitive ancestor worship once decried as savage by civilized man, but perpetuated today by him when it is called Veteran's Day, Memorial Day, 4th of July and now even Flag Day.

I'm tired holding my manhood and American citizenship cheap in comparison to the hordes of aging veterans in this country who keep reminding us every god damn time we turn around that we owe everything to them because they fought in WWII, Korea, Nam, Iraq or Grenada for God's sake.

GIVE IT A REST would you? I'm sorry I didn't fight in Nam, but I was three, OK? And while I didn't fight in Korea, it sure feels like it since I've experienced the monotony and pain of that conflict by watching ever episode of M*A*S*H about 20 times. Grenada was a joke and Iraq is ... hell, I don't even know what to make of that one yet, except I think global terrorism has been used an excuse to fleece us and them in order to fill the pockets of Halliburton and its stockholders with no remorse for the dean and dying on all sides.

I guess I could have gone to Iraq the first time, but guess what? I disagreed with that little conflict. Personally, I thought if Kuwaiti boys wanted to be free, they should fight for it their damn selves. Call me crazy, but I still do.

I remember when war memorials used to be tasteful. Now it seems they don't exist unless they are huge interactive stone displays that block the view of the reflecting pool from the Washington Monument. Excuse me, but I thought the whole purpose of the reflecting pool was to reflect the Washington Monument as you looked at it from the Lincoln Memorial?

And of course, failing to show the "proper" respect makes you guilty of thoughtcrime.

i've written dozens of stories about veterans and every single one was just the proper god damn story because I know these guys had it hard and I respect that fact more than anyone knows. But it is only when I express my dissent over the current war tht I get accused of not respecting veterans, which pisses me off. Just once I'd love to tell one of these guys, hey, you didn't fight for my right to say whatever the fuck I want to say just so I couldn't say it and I respect your sacrifice too much to not disagree with you SO FUCK OFF!

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