If you're like me, and I know I am...

Tuesday, May 25, 2004

Ode to Chuck

I can't wait for Charleton Heston to die. I think it's just time. He's like an incontinent old sheepdog whose lost his chew toy. He keeps wandering around the living room piddling on all the furniture. It's time he be put out of his misery.

The world has just gotten too weird for him. His values, far from defending American liberty and values, have become the very things that twist and pervert this nation into a wicked caricature of its former self.

I respect what he was. In many ways he made me the man I am today. "Soylent Green," "The Planet of the Apes" and "Omega Man" were all great influences on me in the early 70s. Ironic that such a right-wing whackjob could make anyone lean left.

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